Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mi Dispiace

We went to the Mercato and Ibn Battuta malls a couple of days ago... Man, I thought our malls in Kuwait were something special. YEAH RIGHT. It was all themed, and gorgeous. We had breakfast in Mercato, where everything look Venetian. I was imagining Ezio climbing the walls all over, so I was grinning like a fool while munching away on my turkey sandwich. Very nice place indeed, I took some photos which shall be forthcoming in a future post.

At Ibn Battuta we were treated to the delight of themed sections of mall, from Chinese to Moroccan. I took a bunch of photos of the Chinese section of the mall, including the incredible display of a Chinese junk ship. Yes. A ship. INSIDE THE FUCKING MALL. I was like O____O it blew me away.

I'm not sure where we're going tomorrow, but my feet are killing me right now >_<

One shower later, and here I am, typing away at Open Office Writer, since there's something wrong with the high speed cable and my computer doesn't seem to pick it up *grumpy face*, unless there's something wrong with my computer port... Though that seems a little bit unlikely. Ah well, we can go to the lobby and use the wireless I suppose.

Tomorrow is another adventure!

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