Friday, April 8, 2016

I let this thing collect dust again...

Got a new job working as marketing manager at beau-tique cosmetics international. So far so good, the most important part of the arrangement is that I get some money in the bank, it's starting to feel pretty tight with my savings.

Gaming-wise I've kinda been all over the place. Oh yeah, remember when I promised myself that World of Warcraft was dead? Turns out I suck at keeping promises. I should feel really bad about this, but funnily enough I feel more or less resigned that Blizzard owns my soul and has done so since before Burning Crusade came out.

If anyone's interested in RPing on WoW, I have a bunch of misfits over on Wyrmrest Accord server just waiting to be interacted with.

Been more active on tumblr of late, ever since I discovered it, but I'm ever faithful to my angry rants blog because I don't want to shower people on tumblr with excessive negativity.