Wednesday, March 31, 2010

RP stands for Raping People!

So what's with this trend on World of Warcraft's RP servers? I don't know if this is new or old, but I've noticed it now over the past few days while playing exclusively on roleplaying servers. They're like a Normal server, with the occasional 'crazy' group of people who speak in public chat and say strange things like 'Good morrow!' and 'By Gul'dan's beard!'

When did RP servers become just like any other server? With the exception of an RP minority? I thought RP servers were supposed to cater for a majority of RPers, with a minority of people who mistakenly picked RP thinking it meant Repository for Pricks. Unless I have my head screwed on wrong, or I have stepped into my own personal version of the Twilight Zone, I though RP servers were for roleplaying. I brought my concerns up to the general populace, but they seemed to take it in their stride and pretty much gave me a 'meh' answer.

Well, what happened to all the geeks in the world?! Did they suddenly get zapped by a sexify ray?! WHERE ARE MY ROLEPLAYING FANATICS?! WHAT ROCK HAVE THEY CRAWLED UNDER?! I don't WANT to see a guy on an RP server called LimpCrocket running past me and yelling to his friend (who happens to be called IceShaolinMonk) 'shit man, I think I forgot to enable my fucking gatherer addon', and I don't WANT to see someone called FAFS187231 pointing at people who are roleplaying publicly--as is their server-given right--and calling them douches for being 'weird'. We should be pointing at FAFS187231 and calling him a douche and calling him weird for logging on an RP server expecting never to run into RPers.

Like, fer srs.


Or just roleplay very angrily at griefers.

One of the above will work.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bad Habits Die-Hard

I must have a belligerent and obstinate Bruce Willis in my head telling me I don't need to regulate my sleep, or I would have been successful by now. Ah, but then I realize that all the cool people worth talking to log on at about 9:00 PM my time, which means they're on when I technically shouldn't be.

So, Bruce Willis in my head tells me that I must be up too, yippie ki-yay mutherfucker. This wouldn't normally be a problem, since I'm unemployed and living with my folks (oh god did I just admit that publicly?); however, the parental units have begun to suspect that I am dabbling in Satanic worship.

What to do, about this catch 22? Hey, that rhymed. *flex*

Well dip me in batter, fry me up, and call me a tempura!

I plugged my laptop in yesterday, after the fan noise on my desktop grew to such a crescendo that I could no longer hear myself think. I know I should check it out, clean it up, and see if I can fix it somehow, but my laziness won in the end, but I digress.

After successfully porting my steam games over to the lappy, I decided to run a little performance experiment. I already knew that World of Warcraft runs smoothly on the machine, which is just to be expected, since World of Warcaft could probably run on a toaster. I thought to myself, why not try something a bit more demanding and really make the machine work to see if I got my money's worth, I thought.

Boy was I surprised. It felt as if at some parts the laptop ran Dragon Age better than my desktop. I hope in some small way, waves of jealousy have started to emanate from my desktop, and that it will behave itself in the future or I may have to start dealing exclusively with the portable products. Which, incidentally, doesn't make half as much noise as the big boy.

Colour me pleasantly surprised.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Forbidden Fruit

Let's assume for a second that in paradise you could have whatever you want, including however many cooches and however many cocks. Now, why in heaven's name would ANYONE pick an apple over unlimited safe sex? Are they really THAT hungry?

That's all.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Saving the day...

... One laptop at a time.

So, I discovered that the FPS issue, mentioned in my previous post, is not present when I utilize my laptop to play WoW. I used the same addons, and tried to replicate the same settings, with completely differing results.

I can only surmise that the new patch has screwed something up with newer nVidia cards. So what else is new? This always happens, and sometimes I wonder whether it was such a good idea to upgrade to a GTX 280.

Of course it's not necessarily something to do with Blizzard's game performance, it could also be an issue with my hardware, but the fact that this only started happening after the patch was applied is highly suspect. I also played Dragon Age: Origins to see if there was a noticeable performance issue, but it seemed to be functioning smoothly (if only I had an FPS indication on there).

Even though I can use my laptop with great performance, I would still prefer to sit at my desktop. I just hope this is an issue that can be fixed through a hotfix or a new driver release.

And speaking of driver releases, I heard the latest nVidia driver is really bad for the cards, something about it not telling the fan to spin and cool down the GPU. What's that company doing???

World of Warclusterfuck

So... World of Warcraft Patch 3.3.3 came out, and it may as well be patch 6.6.6, because now my FPS has dropped down to deplorable levels that are unmentionable. So I can't play, which means some of my valuable crack time has been compromised.

I'm going cold turkey.

Blizzard, fix your shit. Soon, please. Thanks.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A hair in the soup saves 9

So, I found a hair in my soup today. Lovely. However, I figured since it's already been boiled, what's the harm in finishing my soup? I paid for it, dammit!

Also, apparently they decided I didn't need to have my pizza sliced.

What's the world coming to when they won't even slice your pizza for you? I mean sure, I could get a knife, but the last thing I want to do, when I've rested my ass in my favourite cosy chair and opened my steaming and attractive pizza box, is find I need to get up again and retrieve a piece of cutlery.

Dear Pizza Place,



Irate Diner

New blog!

This is just a test post.

I plan on making this my rants and ravings blog. A place to complain, tell weird and quirky stories, or just update people on my madness.