Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bloody connection issues!

I think my ethernet driver was fucked up, so I couldn't connect to the highspeed internet in the room, so now I'm sitting in the very uncomfortable lobby posting the post I had saved on my PC and writing a fresh rant.

I'm uncomfortable and cramped, and I had no chance to unwind after today's adventure, but eh.

Also, Jub, if you're reading this, Blizzard didn't like you logging into my account, so they changed my password for me. Don't worry about it, I guess I have to wait another year for my violet proto drake *sad panda eyes*.

We had lunch at the Boardwalk today, awesome place. We also almost got stabbed to death by a seagull, but it swerved the right way eventually. Took some photos. Again, these will be released to the public at an undisclosed location and time, but I feel confident that it will involve photobucket and a lot of struggling with cell phone settings.

I paid for a full fucking hour >.< I'm fucking sitting on this fucking uncomfortable chair until it fucking kills me!

5 minutes more...

1 comment:

  1. Yeah sorry, I tried to log in just once and they go "Your log in pattern has changed! RED ALERT!" I just imagine sirens going off in the server room at Blizzard. Where was that kinda security a few months ago when you got hacked? Ah well, sorry I couldn't help with turkey week and hope to see you back soon. Love ya.
