Thursday, September 23, 2010

Post Orifice Drama

This rant needs a little back-story before I delve into it, so here it is.

Normally, we collect our mail from our area's post office where we have our P.O. box, which we need to physically visit, unlock, and collect our mail from. Our area's post office was undergoing some sort of renovation that required it to be closed for 4-5 months, which meant that our mail was rerouted to a neighbouring area's post office.

Clear so far? Okay, here comes the rant.

Went to the rerouting post office today to pick up the mountains of mail that have probably collected over the past couple of months, and was informed that the post office for our area is open once more! Hooray! Except for one thing... I don't have the key. No idea where dad stashed it. It's not my mail, so I'm not nervous... Yet.

Foot pain. OW. IT HURTS. I don't know what I did, but I woke up yesterday morning and it would shriek at me whenever I flexed my second toe upward. Muscular/tendon pain probably, but it's still hurting even today, albeit less intensely. Perhaps another hot foot bath is in order.

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