Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Inspiration is like...

... A sledgehammer to the balls; You never know when it'll hit, but you'll know when it does, and boy will you scream.

So I've been extremely excited this past week, because I actually managed to write a something! That's right. Not only did I write a something, I wrote THREE somethings. Oh yeah, I hear your gasps, even from way over here in my dank and dark cavern of hermitage.

THIS! However, I do feel obligated to warn people that this is a boy's love story, meaning there will eventually be handjobs and buttfucking. So if that sort of thing makes you feel a little bit like you want to kill innocent and fluffy things, DO NOT READ. Hell, DO NOT EVEN CLICK. Don't even think about it. NUH-UNH. Mister, I'm turning this blog around if you don't put that mouse--Oh you asked for it now.

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