Friday, April 19, 2013

Tuning in from The Void

Been a while since I put something worthwhile up here, probably because I have very little to rage about and I usually do most of my best writing when influenced by near-hysterical emotions, positive or otherwise.

There is a variety of news to report to the three of you reading my blog (this is after filtering out family watchers), assuming of course this is entertaining enough, if not just skip to the end where I mention free beer.

Anyhoo, last year I alluded to the fact that we had been laid off, and pretty much after that there were no exciting developments apart from the fact that we stopped work on the 28th of Feb. Since then I have been reexamining the life of a bum while back-and-forthing with this magazine about possibly getting employed there.

So far I haven't had a final answer about the salary figure, so I remain twiddling my thumbs until something drops out of the sky or they eventually get back to me. Actually if the answer is less than favourable, I can go to the government and throw myself at their feet to grovel for some gaming mon-I mean necessary compensation for living. The state will hopefully provide some financial crutches until I can find another monetary dispensation facility.

Gaming-wise I've been suckered by a very good friend (if you ever read this, you know who you are) into resubbing to WoW. The MoP expansion is entertaining to be sure, but as with most other expansions, it's a lot of the same daily grind and you do tend to get disenchanted when there are no friends to spend time with.

I have noticed my gaming habits have changed to a very social dynamic. If there's no one else to share the fun with me, I end up losing interest on an MMO. Forging new gaming friendships take more effort than I care to expend, and usually come with commitments I'm tired of perpetuating, so I find my interest is very fleeting lately.

That being said, I have tried one of aeria games' new F2Ps Scarlet Blade, just because I found the premise to be hilarious (and who doesn't like watching a sexy almost-naked avatar sashaying across their monitor?). I ended up dragging Jub into the fray, and he allowed himself to be manipulated very grudgingly, I even had to use my instant 'I Win' card, which I have saved for years for the right moment. In hindsight this might have been a desperate act of gross miscalculation.

Life is actually feeling very fantastic right now because I am moving out soon! Probably by the end of this year I'll be moved in next door to occupy the top floor of the house my sister lives in. I had a long talk with my very old-fashioned pappy about moving out of the family house and taking up residence in the apartment next door once the tenants vacated in the summer. He didn't like the idea one bit in the beginning, but I discovered that charging headlong into a wall dozens of times over can eventually yield positive results.

JOY! I can hardly wait! I'll be going furniture shopping in the near future and putting that nest egg to good use!

I could really use a case of free beer to celebrate.

(What? I mentioned free beer just like I said I would.)

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