Wednesday, March 31, 2010

RP stands for Raping People!

So what's with this trend on World of Warcraft's RP servers? I don't know if this is new or old, but I've noticed it now over the past few days while playing exclusively on roleplaying servers. They're like a Normal server, with the occasional 'crazy' group of people who speak in public chat and say strange things like 'Good morrow!' and 'By Gul'dan's beard!'

When did RP servers become just like any other server? With the exception of an RP minority? I thought RP servers were supposed to cater for a majority of RPers, with a minority of people who mistakenly picked RP thinking it meant Repository for Pricks. Unless I have my head screwed on wrong, or I have stepped into my own personal version of the Twilight Zone, I though RP servers were for roleplaying. I brought my concerns up to the general populace, but they seemed to take it in their stride and pretty much gave me a 'meh' answer.

Well, what happened to all the geeks in the world?! Did they suddenly get zapped by a sexify ray?! WHERE ARE MY ROLEPLAYING FANATICS?! WHAT ROCK HAVE THEY CRAWLED UNDER?! I don't WANT to see a guy on an RP server called LimpCrocket running past me and yelling to his friend (who happens to be called IceShaolinMonk) 'shit man, I think I forgot to enable my fucking gatherer addon', and I don't WANT to see someone called FAFS187231 pointing at people who are roleplaying publicly--as is their server-given right--and calling them douches for being 'weird'. We should be pointing at FAFS187231 and calling him a douche and calling him weird for logging on an RP server expecting never to run into RPers.

Like, fer srs.


Or just roleplay very angrily at griefers.

One of the above will work.

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