Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Addiction out of control. Also, Pokémon.

So I got a new 3DS XL. Anyone who knows me could tell you that logically I shouldn't even be writing a blog post about it, because I'd be glued to my games and wouldn't have the willpower to turn myself away. You ought feel privileged, two people following me, for I tore myself away from mine addiction just to bring deliverance unto thy souls.

For though I am a woman wrapped in the sin of gluttony, from whence the wellspring of my attachment to the visceral visual arts of the Nintendo demon's sibilant cajoling tongue waxes strong, I still perceive with unabashed pride the writhing masses expectantly awaiting my words of wisdom. And these words condensed into a singularity of truth spell: Pokémon.

Oh vile and treacherous creature of lustful desire. With thine Pikachu and depravity of pokéballism. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME, VILE CREATURE? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE???

TL;DR, the 3DS is AMAZING and ADDICTIVE AS FUCK. You should get one. Also, be my friend.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Maybe I Like English Better, So What?

Localization is one of my pet peeves, and Google is beginning to piss me off with its stubborn Arabic language switching and forcing users to use localized versions of their services. STOP IT. Maybe I don't want to swim in the same pool as all the mouth breathers I'm forced to live with here, maybe I want to broaden my intellect, instead of enclose it within the tight confines of my closed-minded local community. Also, I suck at Arabic, stop reminding me how shitty I am at reading and understanding it. My first language is English.

Also, stop insisting that I should use the .kw suffix for all of my internet browsing needs. I DON'T WANT TO BE PIGEONHOLED BY ASSHOLES I DON'T KNOW AND COULD GIVE A SHIT ABOUT. So, kindly get the fuck out of my browser's cookies, and do something worthwhile, like changing how onerous the Google+ setup process feels, or stopping YouTube from trying to plaster my real name all over the Interverse.

Thank you.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Indiscriminate Frottage

I am the biggest slut of the gaming world.

First a resub to Universe of Crackcraft, then some extravagant expenditures on Sim things, followed by a brief foray into the world of buxom Korean near-naked ladies, chased by a mostly free (if you don't count the impulsive buyer in me) Cryptic creation that has taken the D&D crowd by storm. And all of this within the space of five months. There may have been a brief rendezvous with a tall dark and Skyrim before all other conquests. I don't remember anymore if there has or has not been.

I am a harlot. There's just no excuse.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Tuning in from The Void

Been a while since I put something worthwhile up here, probably because I have very little to rage about and I usually do most of my best writing when influenced by near-hysterical emotions, positive or otherwise.

There is a variety of news to report to the three of you reading my blog (this is after filtering out family watchers), assuming of course this is entertaining enough, if not just skip to the end where I mention free beer.