Sunday, December 9, 2012

Continuity Mish-Mash

So I'm reading scanlations of Guyver, and I must have come across at least 5 different ways Dr. Balcus's name has been spelled. Or is it Valcus? Could it possibly be Barcas?

What about Commander Gyuot. Or no wait, Gyro. Maybe it's Guyot?

And let's not get into the zoanoids themselves, I'm still confused about who's who.

Why don't scanlation groups agree on one version of a names list and just stick to that across all projects and groups? Let's not deviate from the plan, guys, or you'll have fans like myself going: "Who the fuck is this dickhead again?"

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

You are censored

For putting the word porn in your blog rant title.

So if I'm complaining about how disgusting and degrading porn is, my entry would still be censored, because the word is in the headline.

Notice there are absolutely no naked people in this entire blog, apart from almost-naked man in the header, but almost-naked is not naked-naked.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It's finally official

We've been laid off.

At least I now know that my safety net is officially removed on the 28th of February. Time to go job hunting. Yay.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Money well-spent?

What does that even MEAN?

Well let me tell you, to me it means a plethora of games I probably will never be able to finish, as well as great cuisine and man on man porn, any money I spend on these is well-spent. To another person it could mean something entirely different.

Now I get it when people say my government could have invested the money used for the GUINNESS WORLD RECORD BREAKING FIREWORKS SHOW to better the country, but let me put the cause and effect of the show in a few simple terms to show why I think they did the right thing.

1) Kuwait was a pioneer in the region by signing its constitution fifty years ago.
2) The fireworks display made thousands of people happy and brought them together for a joyous occasion.
3) People felt proud of their country for a change, a rarity considering all the political turmoil lately.
4) No right-leaning religious organization could stop the festivities.

To me, that's worth the 4 million KD spent on a few fireworks.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

On Windows 8


If I wanted another Xbox, I would buy another Xbox.

Rejected. Get back to the drawing board for Windows 9.

Chop chop.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Corruption; not limited to politics!

So I bought Cities XL 2012 in the Steam 75% sale on Focus products this weekend, however I didn't get to play until earlier today before work because of the game not launching after installation. At first I thought, "Well fuck, I just paid for a broken game."

However, I wasn't too butthurt over the prospect, since I only paid about $9 total for it. Interesting to note that just before the game was added to my Steam games library it had done some odd quirky thing during the download process where it looked like it hadn't been downloaded properly.

On a whim, I decided to delete the local files and tried to download the game again.

The game worked the second time around. I'm so smurt.

Lesson of the day: sometimes your software just decides to fuck itself over and needs a helping hand to straighten things out.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Participate or die

What's with humour websites forcing you to use their Facebook app if you want to see their more adult content? I don't want to use an app on Facebook for everything, hell I don't want to use apps for ANYTHING on Facebook, I don't even have that many on my smartphone.

I don't like your forced participation, so that's one number on your hit counter that won't ever pop.

And people are okay with this? When did everyone become mindless sheeple when this sort of thing started happening? Oh wait, the advent of the app age, stupid me, I'm still stuck in the 'disclaimers are more than enough' age.

Damn, I feel old.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Price check on propaganda

My dearest brothers and sisters in the western world,

Please stop making all the Muslims I have to live with angry over unflattering depictions of their beloved prophet. Every time one of you does that I have to wade through pages and pages of religious propaganda on my Facebook news feed, and it's driving me insane.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Factual evidence

Mess with the bull and you get the horns. Don't like it? Get out.

Office bum hangout spot. How many bags can you count?

Office bum equipment storage.

Covert Ops (Cover ups?)

Oh it's ON, office bum. I accept your challenge. Let the bloodbath commence.

The best part?

You won't even know what fucked you over until it's thoroughly done with your mutilated carcass.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Waiting for explosion...

Have you ever stepped into a situation where you kind of mentally just wait for a while, expecting the biggest of explosions to happen, following an ambiguous social interaction? This is me right now, sitting on a dud nuclear warhead of social ineptitude.

I raised the issue of the office bum with the person I share space with, and received a pretty vague "we'll see" response. Part of me wants to pursue the matter further, but at the same time I don't want to damage the relationship I have with the other person sharing the office, that would be like trapping hornets in a glass bowl and stuffing your hand in there like an idiot.

If nothing changes, however, I have no problem escalating the issue higher up the chain of command. I'm sure the captain of the ship would have a few choice words to express about the issue with some measure of finality. Do I want to go to that extreme? No I don't, but I fucking will if the situation doesn't change any.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Evict the Bums

I don't know when they changed the function of an office to a preschool arts and crafts class, but I am sitting here looking for news (now ranting), watching a coworker putting together a cardboard fairy house.

Really? You have nothing better to do than to stick shit together that's gonna fall apart in a week's time anyway? You can't do anything further to develop the amoeba you have for a brain? Maybe help people out a bit and do some, oh I don't know, FUCKING WORK?!

I want to kick this person out so badly, but it's not just my office, I share with a very nice person whom I will probably have to start having very serious talks with about person number three, who manages to get on my last nerve just by breathing.

Our seating area has become a bum's rest stop. Please, stop. And get the fuck out.

Friday, June 29, 2012


I need them.

I forgot my wallet today when I went to make purchases at TSC in Sharq. I loaded up my cart with Pop Tarts, Meow Mix, and enough hand sanitizer to last me for the rest of the year. Just before I was about to head to the cashier I decided to check and see if I had my reward points card with me, and LO! No wallet in the handbag.

I had to drive back home, get the wallet, drive back to TSC, grab my cart (which was being watched over by a vigilant escalator) and then present my disheveled self to the cashier. I made some quip about having one of those days where I forget everything, the cashier gave me one of her best plastic smiles while internally thinking 'what a douche', no doubt.

Did I mentioned it was hot out today?

Now I'm home, waiting to gorge myself on Mu Shu chicken, clearly the best trauma cure there is.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Human & Political Rights

It's been a while since I had something to rant about to the general populace, but something extremely ironic happened today and I couldn't help but feel the need to share.

I was invited to a rights group forum type thing on Facebook recently which seemed to aim at scrutinizing certain rights violations in the country, which is all good and dandy. I never asked to join, but stayed because the topics were pretty deep and interested me on an intellectual and personal level in some cases.

/End background

Today I posted a comment to a question broached about a certain topic. My response contained one instance each of the words 'vagoo' and 'penis' within the reply to illustrate some disregard on the part of the populace in reference to the topic being discussed.

I could have been far more crass, but used words that were in my opinion perfectly safe to use within an environment where mature adults could have mature discussions without the fear of 'offending' anyone. In a forum seeking to speak up about human rights I find it highly amusing that the post was removed for 'language'. Not only that, but I was invited in a private message to repost my response if I censored out the icky bad nasty wordses.


Sorry, not for you and not for anyone else. Fuck you and your group.

